She Wobbles Here, She Wobbles There

Oh dear. It appears that this never really went away in the first place. Or maybe I�ve just managed to pin it down to the exact cause of my �fun-fun-bouncey-room-whoa-swaying� problem.


Boats are fun, floaty, flirty, funky and fricking evil when it comes to my balance. Or rather lack of.

I went on a lovely �fun, floaty, flirty, funky� boat ride on the harbour with Gorgeous on Saturday. It was part of his work�s social club events and it was great! Saturday was just a great day to be out on the harbour. Even though I don�t like the beach (or swimming in the ocean for that matter) I delight in skimming across the water whilst being divided from the sharks and various other things that would nibble on my toes by big chunks of boat-making materials. (Fibreglass?)

So this morning whilst in the bathroom, doing what one does in there (primping etc), I discovered to my horror that the walls seems to be leaning in towards me and that my feet had the urge to brace themselves for the waves.

So it�s definitely boats that get me all unbalanced. I�m sure I don�t have to give up alcohol again.



13 September 2005 - 2:57 pm

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