Look Out, She�s Ranting, And It�s Got Nothing To Do With PMS! Yeah Right

Incredibly fashionable people annoy me. Incredibly giggly teenage girls annoy me. The school holidays annoy me. Incredibly fashionable teenage girls on school holidays however take the cake.

I went shopping at lunch time today which I obviously didn�t realise that due to the position of Mercury should not have been attempted. The place was teaming with giggling teenage girls. Normally when I go shopping it�s before 1 o�clock which is the Giggling Hour in most cultures. I was in Valley Girl (yes I know it sounds incredibly fashionable and yes, most of it is) and I decided to take most of the garments off the racks to try on. I was in search of winter clothing for work. A jacket, a few skirts, some cardis and maybe a pair of earrings. I picked the smart casual separates, I haven�t got my Prissy license yet, thank God. I just couldn�t stand walking around like one of those prissy little blonde things (it�s a rule, they have to be blonde, and I�m not saying it�s every blonde so calm down blondes who want to yell at me) all the time. I would possibly throw up.

So I stood in line whilst the Prissys tittered all around the changing booths. I got into my own booth (just discovered that once I use the word booth once in an entry I feel like it�s the ugliest word in the world, weird) and started trying on my jacket, three skirts and two cardis. Giggles, f&*%ing giggles, I was surrounded by them. And cries of �Does this look okay?� even though you know they don�t have to worry about their butt or hips because they haven�t even hit puberty yet. And then I emerge to see that two of the three in the group that were giggling the loudest are wearing the same skirt and shoes. I know it�s hard to be an original in this world girls but you could try to be just a shade different to your friends, even a different coloured skirt could make a world of difference.

But my favourite bit was yet to come. They (and when I say they I mean the Prissys as a giant entity, they were all over the freaking store) were standing in front of the jewellery/bags/belts section and I was wanting to just quickly grab a pair of earrings I�d been looking at when I was standing in line for the booths (yuck that word again) and escape before I accidentally throttled one of the Prissys. One of them picked up the pair of earrings I was looking at and started shuffling through the rack of the rest of the earrings. I waited patiently (which by this time was a real challenge) until she�d put them back, then reached over to claim my prize. She and the Prissettes turned to look at me and gave me a look that said oh-my-god-your-skirt-is-long-your-shirt-isn�t-tight-you�ve-got-no-makeup-on-and-you�re-boots-are-so-last-season-how�d-you-even-get-in-here-with-that-outfit? Yes their look said exactly that. For the ordinary person it�s a tough one to master but for the Prissy it�s a rite since birth.

This entry is sooo five minutes ago


16 April 2002 - 3:21 pm

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