
Bloke - Male. Guy. Slave.

Britney Spears-ing - Wearing as little as I can!

Boxing Day - A day when we make the Americans believe that all of Australia gets into the ring and has a joust. Or it�s the day after Christmas Day and it�s a holiday. You take your pick. Oh, and I don�t know what it means.

Bum-Biscuit - Turd. Crap. Poo. Faeces.

Esky � you take it on picnics with all the food and drink in it and it keeps it all cool. Kiwis call it a chilly bin.

FMBs - F*%$ me boots. Knee-high boots that I like to wear when lusty wenchiness ensues.

� brand of car. Shits all over Ford.

Kiwis � New Zealanders.

Kookas � short for kookaburras, its a bird that laughs at sunrise and sunset and whenever else it feels like it.

Pissed As A Fart In Your Underpants - Drunk. Wasted. Blotto. Trashed. Gone. Off Your Nucking Fut. Out Of It. Inebriated.

� the plural of platypus, you know, the duck-billed marsupial. Fairydown pointed out that the plural is platypus and playtpii is spelt with one i but I don't care. They actually changed the pluralness in the late 80s because no one could get in right hehe.

Take the cake - to top it all, nothing beats it, the extreme.

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