It Ain�t Over Till The Fat Lady Cleans Her Room

I moved out of home in August. I promised my parents I would come back on the weekends to clean up my old room and have it presentable for whatever they wanted to use it for in my absence. It is now November and last night I finally finished the cleaning and vacuum it. Shocker eh! My promises are never broken, they just have a really long shelf life.

My cat is losing fur and is depressed. I could take him with me to the new house cause he�d just try and go back to my parent�s place and get lost � it�s quite a walk. So I left him with Mum and Dad and I visit on the weekends (or random Wednesday nights). Since Mum and Dad got Buddy Mac�s been depressed because the new dog just irks him. He spends a lot of time outside while pulling his fur out in large chunks. The poor dear. So I try to spend as much time with him when I go over there and he has seemed a little happier for it. Then he had to do cute I�m-missing-you things. I found cat paw prints on my windscreen when I left home after the Sunday night dinner at Casa Del Parents Place. Then last night when I was leaving he followed me out to my car while protesting vocally and mighty loudly at that! I just patted him and said I�d see him at the weekend. He followed me as I got in the car and then with no hesitation jumped into the cavity where the pedals are. Mac hates getting in cars cause it signifies THE VET to him but I guess he was missing me that much. He then crawled over to the passenger seat and sat there while looking at me as if to say �Well come on, start the car! Let�s blow this Popsicle stand� I rang Mum to tell her how cute he was being and then she came out the front and took him back inside.

New roomie Chook (who got me into Harry Potter) moved in on Tuesday night and everything is going well. She actually likes my mice. Some sort of miracle there as Emz didn�t like them, thought they were creepy. Must be the rat connection. So Chook doesn�t like the smell of the mice (which I�ve grown used to) but she doesn�t mind holding them and playing with them. Yay! It�s a trade off her putting up with the mice smell, I put up with the smell of her coffee she puts in the fridge. Very stinky!

I�m not a coffee drinker in case you didn�t guess


7 November 2002 - 5:25 pm

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