Ante Up, It's Card Time

Yesterday I wore my Virgo necklace. Not to remind anyone that I was a Virgo but to remind myself that organisation is a good thing. Supposedly Virgos are all with the organising and being neat and tidy. Honestly, I have the organisation skills of a goat.

You know what I mean, I eat anything, wander around all day aimlessly and are forever butting into people. Also I�m really surefooted when it comes to mountains.

So I wore the necklace and I�m quite proud to say that somehow it paid off.

Last year when it came to sending Christmas cards it just didn�t happen. Two years ago I wrote a list and didn�t buy any cards. Last year I bought cards and didn�t fill them out. This year I have not only written a list and bought cards, I have filled out four of them already and it�s not even December.

Of course the big challenge now is to remember to put stamps on them and actually take them to a post office. It�s a monumental challenge, but I think I�m up to it.

And if anyone reading this wants a Christmas card, email me your address [commencing stalker phase one] and I�ll send you a Chrissie card. It may not arrive until April, but I�ll give it my best chance. My email is yodellingdonkey @ without the space of course!

And I totally stole this idea from Shelley who did it last year. I think. Well she sent me a postcard once, my mind isn�t a sharp as it used to be :o)


24 November 2004 - 9:24 am

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