Of Wallets, Birthdays And Mice

Of wallets: I found the owner of the wallet. I called the person that was on the international money transfer and it turns out the keycard person was her sister so she got the sister to call me back and her daughter is coming to my office to pick it up today at lunch. Phew! What a load off my mind.

Of birthdays: I got into work this morning and checked my email (as per usual) and discovered that I had an email from a colleague whose birthday it is today. It was entitled My Birthday � confidential. Now I�m thinking that just cause he said confidential I can tell all you diary readers because you don�t know who he is right! So I�ll quote directly �I hate fuss and bother over my B'day so please keep it low and if you forgot then great a quiet Happy Birthday is cool with me. Also please don't public issue how old I am as I hate getting older and its nobodies business anyway.� Now I can understand this, if it was one of my friends I�d sympathise with them, but he�s a complete and utter wanker so you�ll excuse me if I laugh at his wimpy email. He was my immediate boss at one point and he was the worst I�ve ever had (I�m up to my fourth immediate boss now and she�s lovely!) and I ended up doing his job instead of him doing it. He�s so bloody sensitive you�d think he was the girl. However I will not inform everyone at work that it�s his birthday and I�ll just go about my day. If I lived in a sitcom I could have had so much fun with this. Damn.

Of mice: I was deconstructing the mice cage last night to clean it out cause it was really started to get on the nose. They have a little tube that goes from the bottom of the cage up to the top bit that has a little enclosed �tray� they like to use as their bedroom. I�d take the tray bit away and Freebie was freaking out because I was clearing out all the bottom of the cage so she ran up the tube and straight out of the top. She landed flat on her tummy at the bottom of the cage with a dull thud. It was just so funny I couldn�t help bursting out laughing. It reminded me of the time out old dog Boots was sleeping on a mattress with me in the lounge room and he look a flying leap off it and landed flat on his stomach. He was blind and he knew that he was on a type of �bed� so he assumed that it would be high off the ground. Cruel to laugh I know, but it was just so adorable.

If you need me I�ll be in Rosa�s Cantina

Tyd18 April 2002 - 9:26 am

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