A Secure Pain In The Arse

The amount of information I could tell you about security firms would fit on the head of a pin. If it was in a tiny, miniscule font that defies the laws of reading by the naked human eye.

So, I don�t know an awful lot. I just assumed they patrolled in their little cars, walked around with dogs, occasionally turned on a torch and flashed it at suspicious shadows and fiddled with their radios.

Apparently the ones that look after our building are single-handedly destroying the rainforests.

Every door in our tenancy that is accessible from the lift lobby or the fire stairs (there are quite a few) has a little cardboard business card shoved into the crack every morning.

Yes, thank you for that. It�s all very nice to know that you check every single door and want to leave evidence that you are doing your job...but can�t you come up with a different method?

It�s not only wasteful it�s very fricken annoying to have to collect 20 business cards a day from the floor and throw them out (into the recycling of course).

Because no one else is going to pick them up. It�s just that sort of office.


5 August 2005 - 10:04 am

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