I'm Not At All Alarmed

I slept in this morning. I'm pretty sure I remember my alarm cuckooing at me. I'm fairly certain I remember glaring at it blearily and then turning the bugger off. I may vaguely recall that I rolled over, snuggled into my doona and mumbled, "Karnugflumpfsnock".

This started off the chain of events I like to call, "The Total And Utter Freak Out and Blame Everyone Else In Sight But Only In My Head So As Not To Have Them Yell Back At Me That I'm An Idiot" palooza.

The following people were [totally irrationally] responsible for my lateness this morning. My mother, my father, the cat, both dogs, the dog next door, the daddy long legs spider on my ceiling, the Vodaphone bloke, my sister and the peacock up the street.

I then had a make or break 30 minutes to have breakfast, find an outfit, find a clean outfit, find matching shoes (as in shoes that just matched, not matching the outfit), have a shower, wash my hair, iron clean outfit, find underpants and remember to pack make-up for face decoration for tonight's dinner. My sister was picking me and my mum up at 7.25am. Luckily she didn't mind waiting a few extra minutes.

As the train pulled into Town Hall I thought, "Hmm, this seemingly wonderful last minute outfit of fluffy, sparkly turtleneck, jade cord suit jacket, jeans and knee high boots is now turning into a nightmare. It's bloody humid, not to mention summer is barely over and I jumped at the chance of the temperature dropping, and I'm really hungry. Plus I'm not liking this whole "My butt is a giant expanse of denim, I need pockets" feeling. I think I will go emergency shopping and also buy myself a twist doughnut for breakfast"

The plan was perfect, the execution was abysmal. I heard someone calling my name as I was going through the ticket gates. Someone I hadn't seen in years and who was about the spoil my shopping/eating expedition. She was heading to Sussex Street; I work in Sussex Street. She wanted to go to the PWC building at Darling Park; I work in the other tower at Darling Park. So I didn't go shopping and I didn't get my doughnut. She was really bubbly and annoying too, freaking out every few steps that we weren't going the right way. I did kinda want to throttle her for a minute there.

So I got to work all sweaty and annoyed and then I decided, "Bugger this, I WILL go shopping. And gosh darn it, I'll get my doughnut too". And I did. Well the office was sort of empty anyway because of a big department drinks the night before. I love last minute shopping, when it works for me. A new top and pants for $60. Jizz Fashion rocks.

I just had a thought...could the reason that I so blatantly shut my alarm off this morning be that I played the Sims until 3.10am? :oP


18 March 2005 - 10:46 am

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