Ah Retail Therapy � That�s The Trick!

My shopping happiness gland went into overdrive today. And so well it should for today I acquired two pairs of pants and two shirts for�a dollar. Cough. That�s right, one measly little dollar folks. To Americans that�s 52 cents, to the English just a piddly 36p. Of course there is a catch but can I just sit here thinking about how funny it was to hand the assistant a dollar coin with the queue behind me thinking �All that for a dollar? Was there some sort of red light special? What a bitch�.

The catch is this: Last week I went into the shop and spied a skirt and shirt that would look fine for the day part of the wedding I�m going to in Singapore in just 23 days. Now I did what my sister normally does and I figured it would fit and took it home with me to try on later. I nearly threw up at my reflection when I stood in front of the mirror to inspect my purchase. I would have looked better in a potato sack�with the potatoes. So I took it back today to trade in for something more pleasant and less spew inducing. I ended up with two pairs of slacks, a top for the wedding and a cute singlet top to wear under cardigans. The extra dollar was because I needed something $15 worth to make up the $55 for the original shocking purchase. The pants were only $10 each can you believe it? So the singlet cost $16 but I was willing to part with my dollar.

The lady made a comment that she thought she remembered me from last week. Should I interpret that as I�m there so often she can�t help but remember me? Considering my outfit today was all from VG I can take that as a yes.

Whoever thought up exchange of goods (or refunds for that matter) was a genius


21 August 2002 - 2:15 pm

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