Shake Shake Shake, Shake Shake Shake, Shake Your Pepsi

I�m discovering that as I�m getting older I�m getting a lot less tolerant to things. I don�t mean screaming school kids or bank fees but food products, preservatives and such. I discovered yesterday that me and caffeine don�t mix.

What? I hear you say from your niche in this coffee controlled world. You can�t have caffeine? But how are you going to get kick started in the morning without your regular cup o joe? FYI, I don�t drink coffee or tea. My parents don�t drink them either, my sister and my brother-in-law are the same. I know that we�re some sort of freak of nature family. I haven�t actually tried coffee or tea. For starters I can�t stand the smell of coffee so I wouldn�t even consider drinking it. Second, the last cup of tea I made I poured on my head.

I went to lunch with HG yesterday as a belated birthday lunch for her. I bought my sandwich, my apple and raspberry slice and after umming and ahhing over the crappy drink selection I decided I�d just have a Pepsi. Back in the days when I was a big soft drinker I�d always prefer Pepsi over Coke, just thought it tasted better. Now I know it�s been a while since I�ve had Pepsi but since when did they pack it full of caffeine so it resembles Jolt Cola? It had enough caffeine in it to insure a classroom full of ADD kids could take over the world armed only with a plastic spatula. I noticed it�s Jolt-like flavour and thought it was nicer than I remembered. Of course I forgot that my first forage into the world of highly caffeinated drinks like V and Jolt left me with heart palpitations and a shakiness that would have guaranteed me a position as a washing machine.

It�s not so much an outside shakiness, it�s more internal which makes it seem even worse. My hands couldn�t form a fist properly and I didn�t regain any real strength in them for a least an hour. I had the drink at 1.30pm and finally all the shakiness had subsided by 9.00pm after Emz and I went for a walk around the new suburb.

Pepsi bottles should come with a warning on them that says If you are Tyd do not operate heavy machinery after drinking, you big soft drink wimp you!


22 August 2002 - 2:24 pm

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