I Think It�s Trying To Fight It�s Way Out

I always thought it was some sort of old wives tales or myth that if you reduce your intake of food your stomach will shrink. But after having a giant lunch today (which I used to have before I started reducing my foodle intake) I discovered that it must have shrunk.

I had gone to Oporto with the express opinion that I could buy just large chips and walk away with no harm being done. That was until I was kept waiting for at least ten minutes and the line in front of me didn�t budge. Then I decide, heck, I�ve got $10 that�s enough for a Big Norm Meal. I should have clicked that it was too much food when I finished my chips, was yet to embark on the burger, and my stomach started screaming at me. It was shooting pain all throughout desperately trying to burst a hole so the all consuming food would exit post haste. I feel sorry for my body sometimes, I pretty much treat it like crap. Oh, and I did finish that burger, every last crumb. I paid for it later though. Oiiiii.

Pass the�oh, pass the bucket I�m gonna hurl!


20 August 2002 - 1:54 pm

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