You Have Been Summoned

When Sexy (I�ve changed it to Sexy, because I have always had a problem with typing Gorgeous right the first time and it�s Sexy is shorter :oP) and I returned from overseas my Mum dumped a whole lot of mail in my lap. I have changed most of my mail to reflect the new address...but some things have eluded me.

For instance, whoever it is that I need to tell so my jury duty summons arrives at the right place. Grrrr.

I know everyone hates jury duty, it�s just a given - like bratty school children on public transport and seeds in grapes (or is that just me?) but seriously, the timing is not the best. Sure, I welcome the opportunity to sit in a court room, be droned at and then get paid for it. It�s almost like another temp job really, but the timing is bad.

I�ve already got a temp job booked for the day where I have to go in and be selected (or whatever it is that they do) and as it�s a job I�ve done before and liked the people, I really don�t want to say I can�t do it :o( Plus, the Ironman is coming up (three days after my summons) and I don�t want a trial to coincide with the time I was taking off to cheer on Dad for his twentieth year!

I ran the list of excuses but seeing as I�m not pregnant, breastfeeding, studying, etc the only thing I can hope for is that the selecting people in the court don�t like the look of me and choose for me to be unceremoniously flung out into the street.

Because I�m strangely okay with that. Or that they select me and the trial doesn�t start until the week after.

Is that really too much to ask of our legal system?


7 March 2006 - 9:42 am

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