Work is Good, Life is Trouble

So it�s Day Four of the new job and things are going rather well.

If you don�t count all the other wrong things that have been going on. The burning my finger with the hot water tap and stacking it while walking down Hunter Street yesterday. Cray smashing his face into a table and then cutting his hand on a razor. Gorgeous hurting his finger yesterday and Buddy (in his spinning round in excitement) smacking his head on the bin. Which he does quite a bit and not notice that he does it but it seemed to shock him yesterday and he looked all confused. So I gave him a big hug and a lamb crumble treat and he perked right up. And there is something wrong with the den at home. Apparently it refuses to acknowledge that there is electricity in there...unless it�s the light switch. And the computer is in the den and nothing works. I thought I was going to have some sort of conniption about it last night. I like to relax in front of the computer when I come home from a hard day at the office in front of the computer. At least it forced me to do house things which have been sadly lacking as of late.

So work stuff. They are all about meeting requests and project heading up here. Which is cool, makes me feel very important, but it�s bloody scary first off! I feel like I should be a marketing genius or something to set up all the projects that are being discussed. *shrug* Oh well, I�m sure I�ll adjust to it all.

I think it�s great how they really involve everyone in everything though, that�s really good. All the meetings I would never have gone to at the old property place I go to here because they want me to know what�s going on with everything.

What? A company that communicates and wants you to know stuff?

Yeah, weird huh!


7 July 2005 - 8:59 am

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