I�m Moving To Stars Hollow

I thought it best to warn everyone just so you know. :o) After the gbook entries between Livingwreck and I, we have decided that we want to live in the Gilmore Girls world. I�m just trying to flesh out the rest of the town at the moment.

I�ve decided that I would run the market (which shall be renamed to Moose�s Market) and only employ people named Dean. I considered being a Miss Patty but frankly, I have to face it, I can�t dance. Livingwreck has said that he�d run the diner aka Luke. Anyone else want to join in? You get absolutely nothing from this, I�m not offering free lollies or connections to the show, I�m just saying � join us in our fantasy world! Gee, that sounded so potentially pornish didn�t it?

I guess all I really want is every time I open my mouth, I�m witty and full of pop culture references, that and to have spontaneous Donna Reed days. I�ve never watched Donna Reed, I hadn�t heard of her until that episode, but gosh darn it, I wanna wear the dress, not to mention those pearls! This is why I wish that time machines were real. Apart from going back to the 50s to frolic in merry dresses, there would be some other things I�d change. We can all dream though, can�t we?

Walking down the main strip of my home town and having to dodge the cars and trucks


27 March 2002 - 2:47 pm

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