Singapore Trip: Night Four � Singapore Sling

I was just starting to type up an entry to describe day five (the wedding) when I realised that I hadn�t yet said what happened the night before. Seeing as it was my birthday Mum wanted to take me to the Raffles Hotel so that I could have a Singapore Sling at the bar. I, of course, couldn�t object to that � even considering how exhausted we were!

We decided seeing as we were in the vicinity to visit the fountain of�um, I forget, but I think it was the fountain of wealth or happiness or love or something. If you dangle your hand in the water and walk around it three times then it will bring you good luck in monetary things. Fountain of Wealth � that would have to be it right? We got off the MRT and followed the signs with the words Raffles on them as we decided to have the drink first and then go to the fountain. So after following some dodgy signage we discovered we were no closer to the Raffles and a darn sight closer to the fountain. I swear practically every building, walk, rubbish bin is named after Raffles in that 5 km radius. We decided to check out the fountain and after walking a little further to find it, found that it in fact had been drained and our big arse walk was a big arse waste of time. Obviously tells me that I�m not coming into money right now. Sigh.

We got to Raffles tired and overheated around 11pm and plonked into our chairs for a relaxing Singapore Sling. Ahhh. That�s better. Now I was on antibiotics and of course the potent drink went straight to my head. I ended up giggling a lot (Mum joined in too which was cute � we really had a great time) and even confessing that I smoke sometimes when I�m drunk. I discovered after that night that my Mum and I can definitely go on holidays together. We had a good giggle about getting lost and half the time when you get lost you end up finding something better or more interesting. Mum then took half a roll of film of me with my drink and then in the gardens around the Raffles. I had a shocking case of the hiccups and the doorman at the hotel thought he had a sure-fire candidate for a taxi that he could hail. Mum took a few more pictures of me standing flambouyantly in front of the Raffles and then we grabbed a taxi back to the hotel.

I felt so buggered and I wasn�t too happy about the thought that we would be getting up at 6 o�clock the next morning. Luckily I didn�t wake up with a hangover (the antibiotics can do that with grog) and remember (just barely) my first birthday overseas with fond memories.

Good night


2 October 2002 - 5:55 pm

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