Looking Sharp (And Feeling It Too)

While doing my daily supermarket visit yesterday (there are no shops to browse around at lunch time here and I figure I can slowly do the weekly grocery shopping one bag at a time) I started to feel a niggling pain in the ball of my foot. I�d walk a few steps, nothing and then suddenly a pin-prick pain would let itself be known.

Now I�m currently tuned into low-tolerance (my new phrase for PMS) and while it didn�t hurt so much I wanted to scream or say �ouch� quietly, it was annoying. So I sat down in one of the aisles to check out what it was. I removed my boot, felt around in the bottom for any small stones or sticks. Nothing. Then I took off my sock and checked the sock for any small stones or sticks. Nothing again. Last resort, look at the bottom of my foot.

Ah, there seemed to be a half-inch long splinter sticking half out of it. Problem solved. Must be very careful to remove it without cracking it off halfway and requiring the purchase of a pair of tweezers. My fingernails kept sliding off the splinter and I was getting very frustrated. Then the �splinter� bent and didn�t break. I finally managed to yank it out.

It was a piece of hair. Hair!

Which begs the question: how did a piece of hair get stuck in my foot like a splinter and why was in causing me pain? It must have been so positioned that it was nudging a nerve or something. But that still doesn�t explain why it was in my foot.

This takes me back to an incident some years ago when I had what I thought was a rather thick white hair sticking out of my arm, but on closer inspection when I plucked it out, it revealed itself to be a fish bone.

Puzzling as I�ve only eaten fish once and that was when I was 9 years old. Took an awfully long time to work itself out, no?


30 May 2006 - 11:37 am

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