May I Service You?

It was time for Sid to get his 1000km service, well it was about 300km ago. I just had to organise a day off from work so I could take him to the servicers. Basically my first service if free, they aren�t open on the weekends and the first service is free :o)

I thought I�d use whereis for directions as the dealership is about an hour from my house and no doubt I would get lost if I tried to figure out how to get there myself. Bloody directions were vague and I got lost anyway, however I�m not so good at following directions anyway � just ask my friend from when we went to Canada and we almost missed our plane cause my directions were shoddy. So I got there 10 minutes late (not bad considering I drove in the wrong direction for quite a while and even left early) and dumped the car off. He reckons it�ll take an hour to an hour and a half to look at it and say �Right, well it still appears to be a car� and give it a slap on the rump. I�m told the service doesn�t entail a heck of a lot. I feel bad thinking that as I handed over the keys cause when I got the car back he�d had then wash and vacuum it as well cause as he put it �It was dirty�. Aw shucks. I was going to do it that afternoon but thankfully didn�t after that. Thanks guys!

So I had an hour or so to amuse myself. I considered back tracking the way I came so I could stroll down Snape Street � ah yes it would be bliss � but deemed it too far and gosh darn it I didn�t bring my Nimbus with me nor have I got my Apparating licence. Yes, I just lapsed into the Harry Potter universe and my it�s pretty there.

So here I sit outside of the Maroubra Police Station jotting this down in my blue notebook with the wombats on it and trying to look suspicious. I figure if I look up every now and then that should do it. Plus, scribbling in a notebook has got to count for something right?

�Tosh, check out that bird jotting in her suspiciously coloured notebook. Might have a potential bank robber out there�

�Right you are Terry�


4 November 2002 - 6:10 pm

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