A Sequel to the Sequel of the Sequel�s Sequel

I should be employed just to write confusing movie titles don�t you think? I didn�t really have more to say about the possums and such but I really wanted to do that title so you�ll forgive me won�t you? Okay I have a little tidbit � I decided to video the possums last night for future reference. They don�t make for very riveting television, they just kind of sit there with that deer-in-the-headlights-look and won�t move until they are sure that not only am I no longer filming them I have gone inside the house, shut all the lights off, said good night to everybody in a loud voice, put on my jim-jams and climbed into bed, then they�ll move. But I got some nice footage of the bat taking off, gee they have a big wing span for such a little body.

I�m either bored or sad today I can�t figure out which. I�m just kinda sitting at my desk with the feeling that maybe I should cry or turn up the radio, it doesn�t make sense. It�s like everything has been drained away and I just feel helpless. Normally I quite enjoy my depression, but I definitely don�t like this feeling. It makes me very unmotivated and I hate everything that anyone wants to give me to do. I get all huffy and �why should I have to help you?� in my head.

The vet (yes I meant to say vet. She�s really nice and enquires about us as well as our pets) thinks it�s cause I�m not happy in my job. Do I feel under appreciated? Sometimes. Do I wonder where I get inspiration from to do such monotony? Sometimes. I think if I really wasn�t happy with it totally I would have left by now. I just have periods of down-ness, everybody does right?

I�ll try to cheer up over the weekend but I can�t promise anything, after all I�m not going to be able to see Elmo at all. I will be seeing some friends I haven�t seen for a while though, maybe that�ll do it.

Trying to find the piece that won�t fit


3 May 2002 - 2:28 pm

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