The Concern, The Sexy and the Cuteness

I have been walking in the mornings for quite a few years now. Sometimes my effort peters off and I miss a month or so or a day here and there, but generally at 6am I am out of bed and getting ready to traipse around the neighbourhood.

I have my routine. I kiss The Sexy goodbye and tell him I�ll (or in the case of the Sammich now, we) will be back in around half an hour. One morning he must not have drifted back to sleep and been awake the whole time because by the time I returned from my walk he was in a bit of a panic.

He thought I�d been gone for longer than normal (heart rate monitor later told me I was 10 seconds faster than the day before) so he got out of bed and went out the front door to check up and down the street to see if I was coming, with no luck.

So when I did return he informed me that I must take my mobile with me when I go for a walk in case something happens to me or the Sammich and we need him to come and rescue us. I think he might have even used the word rescue.

How cute :)

I thought the whole thing was all very amusing (because I knew that we were fine) but I can appreciate it from The Sexy�s point of view also. I think it�s great that he�s hit that �I�m the Papa Bear and I protect my mate and cub at all costs� stage.

A very well looked after


29 January 2009 - 11:17 am

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