Plug Me In, I'm Alive

I�ve mused before about my love and hatred for TV and how I think it ruins my social skills but I really do depend on the TV for entertainment. If someone invites me out for a night on the town (or whatever) the first thing I do is mentally check the TV guide in my head and see if nothing interesting is on for the evening and then of course if there is I weigh up how much space I have left on various video tapes to cover this almost tragedy and then if need be employ my mother in channel switching and recording duties if programs are on different channels. By the time I�ve given a yes or no to the person who asked it�s half way into the next century.

Not all TV is bad though. I�ve been catching Harry�s Practice lately (and apparently I�ve become quite honest too) and I must say those tips from Dr Katrina really do work. For instance on last Sunday�s episode she said if your dog is barking and it�s time for food don�t give him dinner until he has stopped barking or he will think that every time he barks you will instantly give him food. Also if you talk in a gentle normal voice they won�t feel as likely to want to be rebellious as when you yell at them (I�m guilty, your honour). I figured this could work just as well for cats so last night when Mac started meowing his head off the minute I stepped in the door I ignored his pleas for food. I spoke to him in a clear and concise manner (it was really hard okay) and said that if he wasn�t quiet that I wouldn�t give him anything. I then proceeded to tell him that I had a few things to do before I got him dinner so if he�d just give me a few minutes I�d be right with him. I went into my bedroom and started to unpack my shopping (socks, singlet tops and undies if you must know) while he loudly meowed in the kitchen. This went on for a few minutes before he finally decided to find out what the heck I was doing. He then sat quietly by my side while I folded clothes and put them away. It was a full five minutes of silence before I got his dinner for him. Victory to me!

Now if I could just get him to stop clawing my door to pieces in the morning


4 June 2002 - 9:12 am

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