Curiosity Shocked the Cat, Satisfaction Brought Him Back

I�ve recently noticed that the boots I�ve had for over a year are static creators/carriers. These boots have great strut potential and I tend to shuffle a bit in them, especially on carpeted areas but it�s only over the last few weeks that I�ve been shocking myself and others. I patted my cat the other day and sent a shock his way. He looked confused but decided he would find the source of this weird shock of a touch. So he decided to lean forward and sniff at my finger. Hehehe. A shock got him right in the nostril and then he shook his head and gave me the angry meow. I tried to pat him on the head to reassure him that it was okay and that I didn�t do it on purpose but of course he ducked my hand and leapt off the kitchen table (we have two tables, one we eat off and the other one the cat sits on) and ran outside to be away from this silly electricity inducing girl.

Of course he couldn�t stay angry at me for long and by evening time when I was nicely settled into the beanbags for a bit of Simpsons viewing he came up to settle down on my stomach and fling his tail in my face. Thanks for that Mac, no wonder I�m beginning to become allergic to him if every five seconds he�s trying to land his tail up my nose! He then made sure that most of my lap was covered in drool to his satisfaction.

I apologise for such a shocking (how could I resist!) entry


12 June 2002 - 4:57 pm

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