The Power of the Thought or Spoken Word

A few weeks ago I had a few small incidents that my brain would like to think was me controlling the universe *cue spooky music* I�m sure it was all coincidences, but I thought I�d stick them up here for fun.

I walked into the city the other day (my new favourite pastime) and as I was wandering through the QVB I thought �Gee, wouldn�t it be weird if I ran into [Person I used to work with]� who I haven�t seen in four years and I heard doesn�t even work in the city anymore, got married and is currently working on her writing.

Five minutes later as I was walking around Victoria�s Basement who should I see coming out of one of the aisles but her. And I wasn�t surprised. It was like �Well I did think about seeing her, so obviously my brain power summoned her�.

I then thought maybe I should wander into a newsagents and buy a Win for Life scratchy while thinking �Gee, wouldn�t it be cool if I won it�.

The very next day I hopped in the shower and thought �I bet you I will get a call from the job agency right in the middle of washing my hair�. Blinking away suds I answered my phone�yep, the job agency.

And to prove it just wasn�t me � The Sexy is always saying �Gee, wouldn�t it be nice if this lottery ticket would win�. I�m not sure why we both have such a fondness for the word �gee�, but we do.

And guess what happened last week. Yep, he won the lottery! Well, his ticket won something. Okay, so it was only $20, but still that is a win! And apparently it covers the cost of all the lottery tickets he�s ever bought. So that�s good!

Now if we can just train our brains to combine their power and go for the big win, we�re all set :oP


15 May 2007 - 9:29 am

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