Consider Me Interviewed

So I�ve been interviewed by emo. Want me to interview you? I will ask very silly questions :o)

1. Leave me a gbook message saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I pick the questions.
3. You post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) in your journal.
4. You include this explanation and offer in your post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Now here is what the lovely emo asked me:

1. Australia--is it really a land of magical creatures and men in funny hats like I imagine?
Yes, lots of magical creatures, even a Magic Pudding! Well they don�t seem so magical to us as we�re used to them. I�d probably use the word �deadly� before I used the word �magical�. I have never seen anyone wear the hat with the corks seriously. But then again, I don�t live in the outback. It�s very effective to keep the flies away from your face.

2. Over time, can I expect these nicotine cravings to go away, or is it something that lasts forever (the longest I have ever lasted sans cigarettes is a month)?
I never had the craving of the nicotine so much, for me it was the action of sucking and blowing (I tried, but there is no way I couldn�t make that sound dirty hehe) that I missed. You could try slapping yourself across the face every time you have a craving. It may help...or you might just start to enjoy it :oP

3. If you were a super-hero, who would your arch-nemesis be?
When I played as a child I always wanted to be the evil one, so I�m not sure that I could be a super-hero...or if I was I would have been a very naughty one.

Does it have to be an arch-nemesis that already exists like in comic books? Ah...oh crap, I�m not good at this. The only comic books I read were Richie Rich and Donald Duck that I bought for 20c at a garage sale. So, my arch-nemesis would be Scrooge McDuck :o)

4. Describe what your ideal wedding would be like (also, can I be a bridesmaid?).
On a grassy cliff, near the ruins of some medieval castle in Scotland. The bagpipes would play and I would saunter through the grass wearing no shoes and looking fabulous like a wood sprite in a gorgeous medieval styled dress with long bell sleeves made from chiffon. The weather would have to be wrangled though, bloody untrustworthy thing that it is :o) Bloke could wear whatever he wanted, as long as it�s not one of those hats mentioned in question one and the accompanying stubbies and singlet. I would like for him to be comfortable, but presentable. (And yes you can be a bridesmaid)

5. Why are you so adorable?
I work very hard at it. And because I have a great publicist ;oP *serious* I�m adorable? Awww, you deserve a hug. *HUG*

Tee hee. Being interviewed is fun!


17 May 2005 - 6:49 pm

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