It�s An Imitation Tupperware Frenzy Over At Tyd�s Place

I just can�t get enough of plastic containers at the moment. The big move is on Saturday and I�m beside myself with food storage ideas. I love just walking through Go-Lo or Ronis and gazing amazed at all the possible containers I could add to my collection. I�m just a sucker for anything house related I think. I need to buy some towels on Friday and I�ll be heading to Go-Lo to choose between the high-lighter bright green, blue, orange, pink and yellow ones on display. The bonus of course is the fact that the towels are cheap and insanely affronting in the morning when you can�t open your eyes properly.

I started typing this entry up this morning when I got into work and was very much planning an all out plastic shopping frenzy. I return from Woolies with just one item of plastic ware (microwave veggie steamer) in tow. However I did manage to also snaffle two towels (purple), a shower curtain, baking tray (yeah right, like I bake), a dustpan, sheet set & pillowcase, a pair of rubber gloves and an urge to buy at least three pairs of shoes that are incredibly funky and $40 cheaper than their shoe store counterparts.

I actually tried a new way of paying for the items which I think will serve me better in the future. I paid for them in cash. It�s a crazy idea I know but I think I can really make it work. I�m sure my bank and credit cards have already packed up shop and are currently holidaying in Bora Bora at the prospect of me not swiping them through hundreds of EFTPOS machines a day. I must admit they were looking a little worn around the magnetic strip.

I just re-read that bit up the top about the bright towels at Go-Lo and realised it�s obsolete, oh well maybe I�ll go anyway and purchase a bright flannel instead. CCB said she�d drive me places on Friday (day off from work woo hoo!) and help me on Saturday to move cause I helped her and Cray last year. I don�t actually remember it too much but I�m sure I did help, simply because I love furniture.

I love furniture, plastic containers, all sorts of homewares. I think I missed my calling of growing up to be a house. Brings that Kevin Kline movie Life as a House into a whole new perspective doesn�t it?


7 August 2002 - 2:00 pm

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