Check Out Those Genes

My mum was all about spilling the dirty family secrets on the weekend. And by dirty secrets I mean 1940-1960 secrets. You know the type � someone got someone else in trouble and they had to get money for an abortion. That sort of thing. I also had some form of uncle that went to gaol for selling government property to the black market during the war. Stole the commanders� jeep and everything.

I always wonder how much gets passed down to you genetically. Now I haven�t gotten anyone pregnant nor did I sell food and weapon supplies to the Indonesians, but I do think my apprehension of gambling is inherited. One of my great grandmas was a big gambler. She got a lot into debt I think and my granny and her siblings didn�t have much growing up as a result. Her husband was a drinker too and that certainly didn�t help.

I have always tried to stay away from poker machines and the like. I don�t bet on the Melbourne Cup or any of the football games, or Australia Idol or anything that they will add to a bookie list to make money. I just really think that if I did I would become addicted to it. Proof of this came about yesterday when I thought I�d have a flutter on the Poogle Races at Neopets. I was addicted. Then I tried Scorchy Slots and Poker. I couldn�t stop pressing that button and the more I did it the more I felt depressed. Even when I won a little it wasn�t enough, I just kept going hoping for that big win which never happened.

I�m just really glad that it wasn�t real money or I�d be out of pocket by $2,000.

And speaking of other addiction type things I have quit alcohol. At least until the end of the year. I will then be taking it a month at a time next year. I haven�t had a drop for a month which was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. People at work think it�s ridiculous that I quit now what with all the seasonal parties and free alcohol at work functions and of course New Years Eve looming. But I�m holding steadfast, it is getting a little harder now, but I will persevere. I didn�t realise how much I really drank until reading back on some of my old entries.

I think I may be growing up, all this doing-stuff-because-it�s-good-for-you crap


6 December 2004 - 11:20 am

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