Dress Me Up, Make Me Yours

Today I pretended I was rich. A friend used to work at Escada and he put me on their VIP mailing list. Says I�m a valued customer and all!

So I thought I�d check out the shop today because I�ve never actually been in there. Hooley dooley there is some quality stuff in there! There is also copious amounts of expensive, as the French say, merde. Orange and bright pink are just not my bag, baby. Mink evening bags are also not my bag.

But I fell in love with a dress, oh yes I did. I felt like that girl in the shop-a-holics books that just keeps justifying things, however irrationally.

I had to seriously sit myself down in the dressing room, on the plush armchair, wrapped in the pink satin dressing gown and plucking a tissue from the fancy tissue box box and have a conversation with my old enemy Rationalise.

This dress costs $2,760.
But there is a 40% off sale.
So it�s just a measly $1,656 then? *sarc*
But it�s pretty! It�s blue and flowing and it�s a size 12 that fits! It covers the ugly knees, it flows down at the back and the sides and makes my bazoombas look smashing
It�s a little tight on the hips
Oh shush
You couldn�t wear a bra with it.
Are you in a movie?
Do you have any film premieres/award shows/openings to go to?
Is your name any of the following: Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Kylie Minogue, Rose Byrne?
Put the dress down.
But I wanna-
It makes me feel special *pouty face*
Would you feel so special if when you got to Glasgow you�d have to walk the 428 miles to Buckie and back whilst sleeping in ditches as you couldn�t afford car hire or accommodation because you spent the money on a piece of material?
No *sulks*
Give the dress back to the lady, now there�s a good girl.
I hate you, Rationalise!
Just shows you care, bub!

Air kisses


27 May 2004 - 8:59 pm

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