Speed Dating Report: Do You Match Up?

So I did the speed dating on Saturday night. Everyone just seemed really nice and pleasant. There were some odd ones, some nice ones and some really good looking ones. The really good looking ones were rather up themselves though. One didn�t even bother to sit down for each date. I got the vibe from him that this whole thing was �below� him. So I told him if he didn�t sit down everyone would think he had hemorrhoids. He was really impressed with me after that haha, not. Probably because I chose to tell a lot of the girls that he had hemorrhoids.

So I met a whole bunch of pleasant people, ticked seven and hoped for the best. I got two matches! One I already knew about as I�d hung out with him after the dating. I kinda wish I hadn�t ticked him now. I know it�s unfair to judge people by physical appearance but if the bloke is a head shorter than me I just can�t get past the �oh look, it�s a life-sized doll� aspect. I am not a very tall person myself. Plus in his email he referred to me as Marry Poppins. Huh? I�m pretty sure I didn�t dance around with an umbrella or sing. And if I had...he most certainly wouldn�t be contacting me.

Then the other one I got a match with talked about chocolate fondue. That�s pretty much all I can remember, and that he�s travelled a lot (bonus!). But I remember ticking him thinking, love to get to talk to him more (our three minute date whizzed by) and perhaps there is something there. Feel nice and flattered that he ticked me too!

Of course he might have just ticked everyone in the hope of getting a match. But I hope not. Cause that would totally shatter the small shrine of self esteem I have been building of late.


1 June 2004 - 9:45 am

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