UK & Canada Trip 2004: There�s A Limit

On my last evening in Vancouver I had a problem. The far too common, �My bloodstream could be used in a whisky/bourbon/rum distillery� problem. It�s quite possibly the most alcohol I have ever drunk in a 10 hour period. I�m estimating half a litre of rum/bourbon/whisky at least. Which of course is not only the stupidest thing you can do, but also the stupidest thing you can do when you have an international flight the next day.

Katze, IP&D and I went out to a restaurant that had ladies night. That meant $1 drinks of the rum variety. Woohoo, count us in for at least five each. So by the time we got to Doolin�s Irish Pub to meet up with the boys I was a little under the weather. The rest of the evening is a bit of a blur. Mainly because it was more economical to drink doubles than singles. We spent a while at the pub, then downstairs at the club (I think it was called The Cellar) where I met a girl wearing a Gryffindor jacket and I think I may have freaked her out by talking to her for too long. I really have no idea what I said (I think I talked about my Hogwarts leather wrist cuff) but her friends dragged her away.

Things I remember:
- Talking about literature
- Hugging and telling my friends how much I love them (and I do!)
- Pouring huge bourbons when we got back to Katze�s place
- Not drinking my lime daiquiri
- Seeing Jiffy Pop being made and not eating any as it mysteriously disappeared
- Singing loudly into a pen (we all did it)
- Rubbing someone�s head and telling them I did notice their haircut, I just didn�t want to point it out
- Possibly tackling someone and tickling them. I�m not entirely sure.
- Buying a bottle of water in a service station and my ring flying off.
- Being offered pot and refusing.
- Going to bed very drunk.
- Waking up still very drunk.
- Not throwing up.
- Having flash temperatures that involved lying on the kitchen floor with a flannel on my head.
- Nearly falling down the stairs.
- Having a bloke with really nice arms put my luggage in the cab for me so I could get to the airport.

Katze was worried that my extreme hangover would taint my last day in Canada but it didn�t. I had a wonderful time and if I had far too much money I�d go back right now.

Although I�m in extreme detox. Even the thought of alcohol makes me want to gag.

Soberly yours


26 October 2004 - 12:01 pm

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