Doctor-ing My Speech

I�m a pretty �straight-up, no holds barred� kind of a person. I�ll tell it like it is (unless of course it�s terribly hurtful) and get on with it.

What is it about being presented with the opportunity to talk to a health professional that just brings out the �correct speecher� in me?

I had to visit the doctor for some various and sundry things and when it came to telling her about things I did just say �Well, when I take a crap blah blah� I felt it necessary to say �During my last bowel movement blah blah blah� and much talk of �urination� instead of just �taking a piss�.

I�m sure she�s not fooled at all by my correct terminology and feigned intelligence on such topics when I�m sitting there wearing jeans and a �Desperate Housewife in Training� t-shirt.

What can I say, I likes my comfort.


21 December 2006 - 2:22 pm

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