Ich Bin Australien

A trip to the doctors informed me that I have tonsillitis yet again but this time I walked away with a letter of referral to an ear, nose and throat specilist. Woo hoo! Oh and also it appears that my thyroid is slightly enlarged so that could explain why I�ve been tired a lot, my skin is very dry and why after all these months of eating healthy and doing a mite of exercise that I haven�t lost any weight at all. Grr. I didn�t know much about thyroids before I talked to the doctor and apparently it controls pretty much everything in your body (well the brain tells it to do stuff and sometimes it forgets or does it wrong). When I come back from Singapore I�ll have to get an ultrasound of it.

So now I�m pumped full of drugs and hoping that it�ll work and I won�t be walking around Singapore enjoying the sights and feeling like I have a scrotum in my throat. Unpleasant image isn�t it? It�s how I imagine a scrotum would feel if it�s hanging in the back of my throat and throbbing with pain. That�s just the worst paragraph I�ve ever typed I think, but for some strange reason I�m not going to delete it � I�ll just leave it there for you all to think � mental disease, much?

Last night Elmo took me to a play being put on by the performance students at his uni. Despite my throat scrotum related pain I quite enjoyed it. As much as one can enjoy a play about the Nazi regime I suppose. It wasn�t all doom and gloom so I laughed quite a bit. The disturbing bit at the end though was when they closed the show singing the Australian national anthem�in german. It just sounded so weird and evil or something. Not that Germans are evil, just the tone the actors took with the song I suppose. I�m sure it could have sounded just as evil in Swahili.

Du bist schrecklich!


6 September 2002 - 10:55 am

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