Getting Out Of The Icky Red

For once my credit card isn't depressed. It's like I've become this new person that just doesn't shop. I actually went to [insert shopping centre here] on Sunday with the express purchase of shopping for clothes and by the time I got there I just had no urge. I bought some double sided tape and went home. No crying, no desperate attempts at grabbing anything off the shelf to buy, just a cold calculated shopping mission for much needed goods.

I suppose reading that book about a shop-a-holic helped. I didn't want to turn into her, with huge mounting debt (in pounds sterling no less!) and in complete denial about it all. And she was totally focused on brands. I hate that. To put it a nicer way, me and people who are very brand focused don't tend to get on well.

So I haven't shopped and by some miracle I am not in withdrawal. My credit card is just singing and doing a little dance in my bag (it's disrupting the office) because I've been paying it off with substantial amounts instead of 26 cents at various intervals. It deserved a treat. Not being slapped with random purchases day in and day out.

I love this having-a-regular-paying-job-again thing, it's great! Pay off all the debts, then save something for a trip later this year, then world domination.

I can see it all clearly now


3 February 2004 - 4:48 pm

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