Touchy About Dates

I don�t often get to make phone calls at work that bring up anything of interest.

In the mail I received a letter from Vodafone stating that we hadn�t paid our account. The letter was dated 11/8/06 which I instantly reversed in my head due to my frequency of visiting American websites and companies forgetting to change their dating system in Word to the version we use.

I found it funny that they put at the bottom of their letter demanding payment the following phrase.

�Please note: Our hours of operation are between 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday Sydney Standard Time. The date is in American format�

Doesn�t really seem to fit with the rest of the paragraph, does it?

So I decided to call up to tell them that our cheque to them for our account was banked on the 1/11/06 and I didn�t understand why we were getting this letter. I also thought, being the curious person that I am, I�d ask why their dates were in the American format.

The contact on the letter wasn�t available so I talked to who answered the phone. I said that our payment wasn�t overdue, etc and then I said �How come the date is in American format? I�m just curious. You�re not an American company are you? I mean, we are in Australia here�

She asked me if the letter stated that the date was in American format. I said yes and then she said rather viciously �I�m not going to discuss the American formatting� before putting me on hold.

Just to make sure I was right, I checked the wiki for information on Vodafone. The company was definitely established in England. So why they use American date formatting in their demand for payment letters I have no idea.

I mean geez, if we�re becoming the 51st state of the US, you think John Howard would have said something.


16 November 2006 - 3:38 pm

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