Can You Feel The Heat? Well, um no.

I woke up this morning to sub-freezing temperatures. All you snowbunnies out there are saying, �So what?� but you must understand. My suburb has no hope of snowing, unless of course another ice age comes a knocking. My Mum once told me there was a case of sleet in the late 80s but that disappeared quicker than you can say �Ooohh, white slushy stuff!� It�s tragic I know but I�ve never seen snow fall. Okay that�s a lie, when I was two and my memory card was yet to be installed I saw snow fall�there are pictures but I don�t remember a thing. It�s also possible that I banished any vague memory because at the time Dad drove a Ford. The shame.

So it�s cold. The cat, Mac, is normally not such a wimp with the weather but it must be his old age getting to him. He�s very whiney when he has to sleep in the laundry at night with the dog but he�s always grateful in the morning when he discovers that we protected him from Jack Frost. As we did the rush to leave the house this morning for work I had to put the cat out and he just meowed at me (I imagine he was saying �It�s �1C out there�are you crazy?�) arrogantly. He was so grateful for me putting him out into the winter cold that I have four scratch marks on my hand that if you joined the dots you could form a perfect impression of one of his front paws. For some reason it made me think back to my trip to Canada when I stayed at a B & B in Edmonton and the cat there had been de-clawed, front paws only. Apparently he used to catch all the native birds, so they had to take his sharpies away. Great idea for Mac�I�ve just got too many scars. But I couldn�t do it, that�d be like taking my fingernails out � OUCH! I�m sure he�s proud of his claws�maybe I�ll paint them the same colour as my fingernails hehe.

The mice are finding it a struggle in the cold weather too. I put a towel over their cage to keep the warmth in and when I removed the towel I discovered they�d done a bit of chewing. They had pulled as much of the towel into the cage as they could and they chewed it up into little mice-sized blankets. When I come in in the morning to give them their mice chocolate you can�t see them cause they are all snuggled up under their self-styled blankets. It�s adorable. The not so adorable thing is that they keep mistaking my fingers for their chocolate and chewing on that instead.

Is it saying something if an owner�s pets keep attacking them?


3 July 2002 - 12:52 pm

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