Great Keppel Trip: Day Seven � Boom Boom Boom

The Friday was my last day of fun on the island of sun and grog. The night before was a bit of a doozy!

The theme party at Salt on Thursday night was Ghetto. It had suggestions like Pro, Pimp, Nun, etc. I thought obviously I�ll go as a Pro but to me the word Pro just didn�t seem Ghetto-ish enough. I wanted to stand out, I didn�t have any slutty clothing, I wanted everyone in the world to know what my costume was. That is why I wrote WHORE on my forehead in black shiny lipstick and refused to take it off. I coupled this with a t-shirt that said We Regret This Item Is Temporarily Unavailable. I thought I�d have a crack at best costume. They didn�t end up awarding best costume. As Hayley the CAP said when I asked �Oh shit, I forgot. I got too drunk�. So I got about with WHORE on my forehead all evening with Kyles as my pimp. There was a bloke from Melbourne, we�ll call him Joe for the simple fact that that was his name, who couldn�t believe the phrases I kept spouting. Oh I was in foul mouthed form I can tell you! It was the character darling, all about the character. So I did a bit of risqu� dancing...there wasn�t a cage but I made do with what was there. Oh boy it was fun.

The Joe bloke walked me back to my room and then asked for a kiss good night (I refused cause I have a boyfriend � well did at that time, more about that later) and jumped back like he was burnt when I said I was attached. How very polite of him!

Right so you were here to read about Day Seven? Here it is:

Have you ever gone boom netting? It involves you hanging onto a rope net that is attached to the back of a boat (ours was a catamaran launch) and it taking off nice and fast so you can enjoy the sensation of the water rushing around you. It�s a fabulous feeling enjoyed by all except those that didn�t want to get strap marks from a more sensible cossie and decided to wear their string bikini. It�s hard to hold onto the rope net whilst trying to hitch your pants up I can tell you now. In the end I decided bugger that (the boat was going too fast and I couldn�t have climbed back onto the boat and off the net without getting everyone a bit of a �Hello Australia�) and just let go and waited for the little rubber dingy bloke to pick me up. He already had five people in the boat and I was starting to feel very �Hey sharks � come get me, I�m in bloody deep water and I�ll make a fair meal!�. The boat got to me and it was an effort to get me into the boat. The polite boys decided to all help at once and I ended up cracking my head on the oar as I was hauled head first into the bottom of the boat. Ow. Then when they returned us to shore I was sitting on the side planning to do a graceful �I�m going scuba diving� flip off the side when I just plonked off sideways and in shallow water. Double ow.

Then we went parasailing again in the afternoon which was faboo! I went up tandem with somebody else who was terrified but eventually I got her to enjoy the ride and she even let go of the straps for a little while. I was too terrified to do it the first time too. The Friday night was also a bit of a big night � but I�ll leave that for another entry. I think there will just be one more Great Keppel flavoured entry after this one and then we return you to your normal Tyd ramblings.

What�s that on the underwater radar, sir? Looks to be some sort of gigantic manta ray. Look out it�s coming right towards us! Sorry my mistake, just the bottom half of Tyd�s string bikini. Carry on lads.


25 October 2002 - 5:32 pm

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