My Pyjamas Are Gonna Be Famous!

The newest instalment of Big Brother started last night. I wasn�t much of a watcher in the beginning last year so I didn�t start tuning in until the annoying people had gone. I say annoying cause they would still be there if they weren�t right? This year I�ve decided to follow it from the very beginning so I get to witness every little bad joke that Gretel tells. On a side note: What the hell is up with her hair? Not a good colour love, go back to the black.

So the house seems to be full of a lot of people that are self-proclaimed loud people. Pretty much every little look-at-my-life-before-Big-Brother montage had them saying �I�m really loud and I�m crazy!� So this year it looks like Big Brother is being turned into a loony bin. I have my thoughts on each of them and I�ve decided that I like Peter and Mirabai the best. Peter is the quietest and you just wanted to give him a big hug went he slowly walked into the house last with those puppy dog eyes. Mirabai plays the violin and she has really cool hair. Obviously I�m a great judge of character, taking into account all the really important things.

When they all settled down to sleep (on their yoga mats and limited blankets � the house isn�t furnished yet, they have to do it themselves) I was sitting in my bean bag in my pyjamas thinking �Sure I could handle all that�maybe not the showers and the everyone come watch me pee part of it�but I think I could swing it� when I noticed that Shannon was wearing some funky pyjamas. The camera zoomed closer to confirm what I had thought all along, she was wearing my pyjamas. At the exact time I was. I felt kinda special, I almost felt like I was there, I felt like this could warrant a diary entry, oh yes.

Does this shower camera make my arse look fat?


9 April 2002 - 8:54 am

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