Great Keppel Trip: Day Four � Contiki Beach Party!

After my shocking night before (I went back to my room to watch 24 at 8.30pm and fell asleep!) I decided today would be much livelier. Especialy after Kylie told me about the great evening she had with some of the people we met the other day.

Today we�d booked ourselves on the beach party trip. They 4Wded us out to Long Beach (gorgeous) where we got to tube ride. It was so much fun but I wish I�d worn goggles or something � my eyes were starting to sting from the sea spray. Also my arse took quite a pummeling. Right at the end of the ride our tube went airborne which was thrilling. Then there was champas, labelled with your porno name, Boostie Werona for me, and beach cricket, touch footy, some race into the sea and other activities. Me? I just lay on a towel, ate the antipasto platter and went for a dip in the ocean with Kylie. A lovely relaxing day and yes � I have developed a slight tan on my arms. I really hope I don't get cossie marks with all this outdoorsy crap I seem to be doing. Maybe I should just go topless? hehehe

We had pre-dinner drinks with Lizzy and Anna from next door and were treated(?) to a display of bare bott-botts from upstairs. Damo strikes again. His room was right above mine as it turns out. His friend (Cherub we were informed) threw his undies down at us. Oh the maturity! Then tried to use mind power to zoom them back upstairs. He eventually came downstairs (in his tighty-whiteys) and got side tracked by a bird nest that had fallen out of a tree. So the chivalrous gentleman that he is he decided to climb the tree and return it. A pretty darn funny spectacle and very reminiscent of Christopher Atkins in Blue Lagoon. So that has become his name to us.

Can you believe it? The whitest white person on earth is now a sort of beige, off-white, bone, ivory, cream... :o) (You Twelfth Man fans out there will get that one. I couldn�t resist that Final Dig!)


22 October 2002 - 2:41 pm

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