Can I Hear You Say Revival

I was despairing with all this 80s fashion that�s come back in. I was despairing at all the teenies wearing the 80s fashion that they themselves never knew the first time around. Now I rejoice at a shop that is stocking itself to the brim with 50s inspired fashion. Dresses and skirts and shirts, oh my. Oh yes, the June Cleaver big skirts are back and I like it.

I always wanted to wear a 50s style formal dress to my formal. I don�t have very nice legs but if you put me in a knee length flouncy skirt I can pass for cute and sexy. I wanted the Grace Kelly hair (just the style, not the colour) and I wanted the little gloves. I wanted to flash back to the 50s and 60s and see what it was like to get dressed up just to go to the movies and to wear a big fancy dress just to make muffins in the kitchen.

I didn�t live through the 50s and 60s, my parents did, but they always thought I was born in the wrong era. I love the music of Marty Robbins, Cilla Black, Melanie, Peter Paul & Mary, The Beatles (but who doesn�t, right?) and The Animals. I loved the way that things back then seemed a little simpler. Now it�s always the bigger, faster, better things we look for. And I say this in such a hypocritical manner cause let's face it...I love technology. I mean where would I get my muffin recipes without the internet? hehe.

As Ned Kelly said: Such is life

Tyd23 January 2002 - 1:22 pm

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