Smile, You�re On Residential Candid Camera

Practical jokes at work can be fun, but only when it�s happening to someone else that�s been joking the division for years and it�s pay back time! We�re putting quite a bit of time and effort into this one because it�s gotta be the joke to end all. Either that or we can expect many prank calls and jokes on us till our dying days.

We�re currently setting up a practical joke on of the blokes onsite. He�s been prank calling people for ages and it�s time to retaliation. We started off my sending him an ad for a job to do with the brothels tribunal. We added a note with a faked up logo and such stating that we�d heard from a young woman that he was perfect for the �position�. We then signed it Richard Straddler. :o) Now it�s phase two and we�re considering our options. Do we:

a] Pay a pregnant woman to go into his place of work and tell him that he is the father of her child or
b] Get one of my actor friends to go into his place of work ranting and raving about how he knocked up his sister and maybe he should step outside for a moment and have a little conversation with Mr Brass Knuckles.

While this is happening we�ll all be waiting in the back room (with a hidden camera capturing his every expression) waiting to bust out and say. GOTCHA!

Ah, either one is as good as the other. Of course the only obstacle is getting a pregnant woman to do that all for $50, and finding some guy named Brass Knuckles.

Is there a place you can hire them, ready made?


10 January 2002 - 5:18 pm

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