What Is It With The Black Holes In My Room?

I had a notebook that I kept for spontaneous explosions of my grey matter that formed sentences and now it has disappeared. I write this at 1.00am on the back of a bank statement after a two hour search of my room that yielded nothing but a giant stack of clothes and some dirty sockettes. Grrr. So until the black hole spits out my notebook, the entry concerning Fairydown�s birthday drinks on the 22nd will not be recorded. Tis a shame, there was must embarrassment on my part which you all would have enjoyed�if only to laugh at my stupidity! :o)

All the days are screwed around too cause my last day of work was the 22nd of December but I still wanted to update the site and we don�t have access at home so I�m back dating everything and it�s all wacky. The last entry was supposed to be sometime last week and it�s all just wrong. The coolest thing about coming into work today was that I got an email from Shanna saying she was sorry she missed my call. I thought I�d surprise her on Christmas Day with a phone call so then after a year and a half of emailing we could hear how each other talk. So she got to hear me leaving a Oh-My-Goodness-I-Wasn�t-Prepared-For-A-Message-Machine type of a message and I got to hear her say �Leave a message!� he he. Pretty cool. It�s just a massive time difference (17 hours) so it�s hard to coordinate it. Who knows, maybe I�ll call again soon. Stay by the phone Shanna. :oP

Typing this next year, but dating it last year


31 December 2001 - 12:37 pm

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That's Not Quite The Definition
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