The Name�s Donkey. Yodelling Donkey.

Gee I wish I was in the middle of a spy thriller sometimes. Talking in code. This is Alpha 3 to Base Kooka, the mouse has left the house. Or when I went to the bathroom instead of it just being because of bodily functions it�s because I�m changing into yet another of my fiendish disguises. Running through empty underground carparks with my gun held up ready to shoot the bad guys. Sneaking round corners and hanging off the side of buildings to avoid detection. Drinking martinis even though I�m on assignment. Ah, the pretend spy life for me!

Lets face it, I just want the groovy gadgets. A watch/dart expeller? Yes please! A camera the size of your toe nail? Sign me up! A voice simulator to make people think you are somebody else? Right on baby. A car that turns into a plane? Will miracles never cease! A device that makes the bank believe that you don�t have to pay interest on your mortgage? Well, we can dream can�t we? I�m sure that Q will come up with it soon, and when he does, count me in!

Sneaking past the research department and practising my evil laugh

The Yodelling Donkey


19 December 2001 - 10:58 am

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