Dancing Mice - Love It!

I have a bit of an obsession with that Whiskas ad at the moment. It's just so adorable and so in tune with my pets. For those of you who haven't seen it (pesky international locations and all) it's a cat enjoying some special biscuits filled with meat and a little mouse comes out with a boom box and starts dancing in front of the cat. It dances around for a bit, wiggles it's bum and even does a bit of a Sara-Marie bum dance. The cat just looks at it and keeps eating. The catch line - There is nothing cats would rather eat. Then I caught the tail end (hehe tail) of another version and the mouse was shooting stuff at the cat through a straw. Priceless.

Wondering where I can get a mouse like that

Tyd31 October 2001 - 12:23 pm

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