Odds & Ends

1. Freebie has moved back into the Mouse House Extravaganza. I figure she's suitably tubby by now.

2. I have determined (after much deliberation and sighting of wriggling mice) that Freebie and Winky are both definitely girls - or both boys. Hmmm. Either way they are the same sex and hence no little micelets should be popping out.

3. We cleaned the house. Shock horror. It's true! Must be that time of the decade.

4. Ma and Pa had a modern version of the old slide show of digital shots from their holiday on Saturday night. I didn't yawn once. Nudie and CCB however couldn't keep it back.

5. Finally put the Harry Potter quilt cover and pillow case set on my bed. Looks mighty spiffy.

6. Entered the Funnypics Face-Off Round for October. Can't believe I made it this far! Look for the next entry to be contemplating suicide after I fail to win the round, sigh.

This entry is done...like a dinner

Tyd29 October 2001 - 4:16 pm

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