How Embarrassment

I don't like embarrassing myself in public. I don't think anyone does. But whenever I do I seem to take a while to get over it.

Like a few days.

It was raining this morning and I was wearing my funky red shoes and I had turned into Sydney Arcade and then something odd happened. My right foot went for a little skid so I tried to support myself with the umbrella. Apparently no was the answer to that. Then I kinda did the splits and fell onto my left knee and then onto my left hand. I was stunned and kinda went 'Hmm. Ah' A bloke walking past asked me if I was okay. 'Yep' I mumbled. 'Fine'. At this point I started to wonder how many people had seen me completely stack it on a level piece of non-descript ground.

I gathered up my handbag, plastic bag and umbrella and kept walking. A girl walking beside me looked concerned 'Are you sure you're okay?' I figure at this point it must have looked painful. Nothing hurt except my ego! 'Darn slippery shoes' was all I said before hurrying off to my building.

It took me about 2 hours to get over that. I must be improving!

Walking lollipop steps and wearing chewing gum soled shoes


11 October 2001 - 6:13 pm

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