If You Can't Handle The Heat - Take Your Damn Hand Off The Flame!

Ola diarinos. Apologies for that shocking intro. It's so damn hot in here. The logical part of my brain wants to tell me it's cause I've been lifting heavy boxes and manuevering stuff about in a building that after 6pm doesn't have air conditioning. The hypocondriac part of my brain is telling me it's some weird under the skin disease that will soon make me spontaneously combust. The part of my brain that isn't asleep is saying 'What the hell are you talking about?'

We're moving levels at work. This involves me staying back because I like being helpful. Hahaha, I'm such a suck. Basically we've got a stack of archiving to do that should have been done a while ago but time does not present itself so instead it's sitting there screaming at me saying '24 hours until lift off'. I also am staying late tonight cause tomorrow night I'm going to a play (starring ABs boy as I like to call him, or Pocket Greek if you prefer) and won't be able to stay and supervise the mover dudes doing their job.

Just realised how boring that sounded. Yawn. Just wanted to update. Still getting the moments when I skip around in a circle singing 'Tra la la I have a website. Woohoo.' I've just had so much trouble with other website setups that I can't believe how wonderfully simple (I don't care what Geocities says - they lie) and effective this one is. Thank you Diaryland you totally kick arse.

All shameless plugging aside...er...ah...um. Mac my cat did - absolutely nothing cute or hilarious in the past few days damnit.

Trying to silently blend into the background as I twiddle my thumbs

Tyd26 July 2001 - 7:46 pm

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That's Not Quite The Definition
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