I should have just done a runner...

Okay taxi driver story. But the catch, he knew where he was going.

So there we are, me, my sister and another bloke from work trying to get home from a training session (read - piss up). We jump into a cab, no problems there, he drives the bloke home we continue onto our place. We pull up, my sister hi-tails it out of the car. Cause I was sitting in the back I thought I may as well get in the front so I can sign the receipt etc without having to lean over the front. First problem...the door won't open. I'm straining on the handle imagining at any moment that I will rip the handle off and smack myself in the forehead with it. So the driver gets out of the car and opens the door for me so I can get in the front. I pull out the credit card hoping that I can remember how to sign my signature as the numbers blur before me.

The driver swipes the card enters the amount, everything is hunky dory. Then it asks him for his ABN. Hmmm, he doesn't know it. But wait, one of his friends will. So he calls up friend number one, nice try but no cigar. Friend number two, again - no cigar. Friend number three...maybe but the phone battery gives out. So he takes out his other phone and puts the SIM card in that. Oh no, ah Houston we have a problem! What's his pin code? I thought for some reason I was some genius with mobile phones and tell him to pass it over. I thought that there was something seriously wrong with the phone looking at the display and then realised it was in Chinese. I sheepishly gave him back the phone and then told him to use my phone. He calls a few more people, again no one has any idea. So I say 'Hey, you drive me to an ATM - cost on you - and I'll get you the cash and pay you that way. Just cancel that there transaction and we're good to go'. All good in theory, but the bastard machine won't cancel the transaction. Ho hum. He tries the dead phone again (why? I have no idea). I suggest maybe I should just make a run for it. He gives me a blank stare, no humour. So I tell him, put your SIM card in my phone, call your friend and get the bloody number (15 minutes had since passed). Finally someone knows the number!


But then his friend's phone cuts out and we only get half the number. Sigh. So he calls back gets the whole number (which I write down in case something goes wrong again, and let's face it, it was high likely) and types that in. Bingo! Then it asks for Driver ID. He ums and ahs. Good Lord I think to myself. Then I point out the Driver ID number on that card they have stuck to the top of the windscreen. Of course! He enters that, charges me a ridiculous amount which I sign for and then I pass him over my scribblings of his ABN so in future no other passengers need to be stuck in his 'Cavern of B.O. Terror' (otherwise known as the AU Falcon he was driving) for 20 minutes. I then give him directions to get him completely lost :o) and head inside to a warm comfy bed and fresh clean air.

Oy! What a night.


Tyd5 July 2001 - 8:54 am

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