UK & Canada Trip 2004: Day Two to Day Eight (or thereabouts)

Well a bloody lot has happened since I last got the chance to update this.

So much so that I'm now in a completely different part of Britain.

I did the Scotland thing for a week so here is a quick summary. Got mistaken for a radio fugitive, got lost four times, drank some free whisky, saw Loch Ness, nearly ran over a squirrel, drank Irn Bru with vodka, saw four squirrels in Edinburgh and cracked onto a bartender.

Now I'm in London and I'm just enjoying the slight familiarity of it all as I was here about the same time last year. MyNewBestFriend lives quite close to the city in a nice area and I've been staying with her (thank goodness as accommodation is soooo expensive) and we're been wandering around and she's showing me the sights.

I saw the last play at the Globe for the season, Romeo and Juliet. It was awesome and I felt like I'd gone back to medieval times.

This is a bit of a muddled entry but tomorrow I go to Stratford-upon-Avon so I can totally immerse myself in Shakespeare


28 September 2004 - 2:26 pm

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