Isn't Not All That Trivial

On Saturday night a bunch of us (Mum, Dad, The Sexy, CCB, Cray, IP&D, CWB & Kat) went out to a trivia night in support of one of my friends and her family who have had a difficult last couple of months.

There were 23 tables and close to 10 people on each table.

And we won!

I�ve been to trivia nights before but I�ve never been on a winning team before. We were on fire! And every single person on that table was responsible for winning answers.

I had such a great night just hanging out with people and answering interesting questions (and sometimes frustrating ones as the answers are just on the tip of your tongue!). I just really enjoy answering questions. Regardless of if I�m right or not hehehe.

I also got to see a friend I haven�t seen in about two years and we had a good natter. Sometimes people just don�t change (or at least all the good things you remembered about them don�t) and it was nice to see she was the same old full of energy girl that I remembered.

More entries to come (it�s my annual attempt at being more organised � watch this space!) and even one that might include a lookit as Kristen likes to say :)


2 November 2007 - 8:52 am

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