It�s Definitely A Love/Hate Relationship

Why is it that I�ve developed an unhealthy dependant relationship with my television? I always used to think that people who saw things advertised on TV and went out to buy it �just cause the TV said so� were silly. Don�t we have enough brains to figure out good products by ourselves? Of course when I went overseas I paid attention to the advertising because I didn�t know the brands and could have accidentally bought sugar when I wanted washing powder.

Channel Ten has taken my life from me. Never before has my life been so ruled by the television. I rush home from work at night so that I can catch the daily BB updates at 7.00pm. Then of course at 7.30pm on Monday it�s the Live Nominations Show, Thursday at 8.30pm is Uncut, Sunday 7.30pm is the Eviction Special and now they have to load us with Intruders and Intruder Specials. But last night definitely took the cake. Intruders going into the house live�and Turkan saying she wanted out. I knew that they couldn�t just cancel the next program but I wanted them to just stay glued to Turkan and whether or not she�d be leaving the house. Rove crossed live to Gretel a few times to get updates but we didn�t seem to get any answers. Right then I would have killed (a fly, nothing too drastic*) to have had internet access at home and free DSuite access.

I get into work this morning and the first thing I did was check the BB site. Turks decided to stay overnight and think seriously about her decision. Big Brother doesn�t want her to leave, her and Pete�s ongoing husband/wife like relationship must be bringing in more ratings. She said she didn�t want to play anymore BB, let her out! I hate it when something is promised and then not delivered. It�ll be groundbreaking exciting news, let her go!

It must be the person that BB held, let our Turkan go! � Twisted Peter, Paul and Mary song reference. Probably best if you just ignore it.


*Just remembered that I did kill a fly last night, in the bathroom right before I went to bed. So how come I didn�t get the access?

8 May 2002 - 9:44 am

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