The Security Is Tighter Than Jean Claude Van Damme�s Arse

I used to think that it was a bit ridiculous we needed an electronic pass just to go to the toilet at work. Well today I had to deliver an envelope to a lawyers (it was rainy and the couriers are too slow) by hand and I hadn�t been to this building in ages. There was a sign saying that if you were visiting any of the following places to report to the concierge�s desk, which I did. I just kind of pointed dumbly at the sign and said �Um, it says to talk to you cause I want to go to Blahdi-Blah�s office�. He picked up the phone to call another concierge whose desk was across the way to ask if it was okay that I went up to deliver something. There was a policeman standing on the other side of the other concierge and he asked what type of package. It was just an envelope he replied. Very well, I was allowed to the second concierge desk where I had to sign in, wear a bright yellow Visitor�s sticker and carry a Visitor�s pass which says in no uncertain terms at least five times that it�s a temporary visitor�s pass only.

I kinda felt like I was at airport security or I was a criminal and they were transporting me through to another holding cell or something. The policeman looked bored and in serious need of nourishment. I got into the lift and delivered my envelope and returned the Visitor�s pass and only when I was walking out of the building did I notice the building directory that stated it was full of government offices. Well that explains everything. However I don�t know why they were so concerned about a little envelope when my handbag, which is roughly the size of Antarctica but not as windy, could have contained a big ticking bomb but they didn�t even look at it.

Priorities, people!


10 December 2002 - 6:10 pm

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