Twas The Night Before The Night Before New Years Eve And All Through The House...

...a creature was stirring and it was a bloody mouse! I was having a peaceful dream (no doubt based on Harry Potter or LOTR) and a Mouse King (or it could have been a rat) was trying to tell me something important and his communication was getting more frantic and I knew that if I concentrated really hard I could understand him. But alas I woke up and the squeaking got louder. My mice were in distress! I thought maybe a bug had gotten into their cage and was freaking them out when I realised that they didn�t squeak like that � they are quieter and it sounds more like a parrot or something. This full �my leg is caught in the fridge and I�ll squeak blue murder� kind of a squeak. I got out of bed and hurried over to the cage. One mouse downstairs, one upstairs and one in the tube. Hang on a second. Three? I don�t have three mice. There was a third mouse (feral as all get out) that had wheedled it�s way into their cage and was running around trying to bite Scampi and Suel-Suel and flinging itself at the bars of the cage trying to get out.

Okay I know that my room can be messy � but not that fricken messy! It may sound crazy but I�m not too fond of non-pet mice. Bizarre yes, but it�s true! So it�s 3am and I try to get it out of the cage so I can throw it outside (NB � buy snake, or cat) and it jumps out at my face. I woke up my housemate (I thought it was best she knew and didn�t wake up suddenly with a mouse on her face) in the hope that her dog could find it and eat it. So luck. It got stuck behind the bookcase, we tried to get it out and it ran over Al�s foot and we both leapt up onto the couch. It�s just plain creepy I tells ya! So then I shut all the doors and figured I could buy mouse traps today and get it later. I went to bed only to be woken by the damn thing back in my room (it�s small and it came in under the door) looking for it�s domesticated enemies. I chased it around my room for a bit, then it made a break for the hallway � slammed itself into the laundry door repeatedly and then headed down to Al�s room. Ruby (the faboo dog) made a play for it and just missed as it went under the door. Unfortunately for my roommate I had to wake her up again and in all the confusion of me looking under the bed Ruby bit my face. We concluded the mouse ran out of a hole in the wall and all went to bed.

I dreamed about the house being infested with mice and I ended up drowning them all in the pool that we suddenly seemed to have in the backyard. Not before they had managed to bite and scratch my hands to pieces though. I felt yucky killing them but I had to do it to survive. Geez, even my dreams are melodramatic.

Hope you�re having a mouse free day


31 December 2002 - 11:24 am

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